Manila, Philippines - Ticking off my carry-on list, grabbing another cup of water and last minute hugs to my mom and to my dog, off we go for another early flight from Terminal 3.
T'was a nerve-racking point in my life. I couldn't even imagine myself being away from my country for 2 weeks. What more for a few months? I sat down at the backseat of the car contemplating what the heck am I supposed to do with my life for the next 48 hours. Yes, you'll look forward to it but that's just 50/50 of the equation. All I can do at this moment is pray and ask the Lord to guide my wandering arse.
After our driver parked for less than a minute at the departure area, I looked at the sky (and thought of the trouble awaiting me) Everything went silky smooth inside the airport. You all know those typical things you had to do inside. For example, watching some first time travelers struggle at the security scan. (just kidding)
I remember when I had my first flight, I had all the things you had to take off when passing through the scanner. Name it: watch, belt, boots, coins in my pocket, bracelets, laptop in my bag. It was a nightmare! Now with my 20th boarding pass, I've finally mastered the scanner-proof airport outfit! A plain tee, comfy black jogger pants and a light pair of white nike kaishi is all you need!
For the first time in my life, the immigration officer didn't utter a single word. Very far from my first travel in Seoul. I think I received 50+ questions regarding my work camp it was frustrating. God knows how much crap I've had in airports and he blessed me this time with faster immigration process!
When I stepped inside the departure gates, I grabbed a cup of Bo's coffee and a hamdesal-type of sandwich.
Woosh, I inhaled my last Philippine air and off we go to Dubai!