Adam is an advocate for climate action and youth empowerment. In a span of 6 months, Adam advanced in numerous global conferences and initiatives in East Asia, Central Asia and North America to campaign against youth indifference vis-a-vis environmental-economic impacts of climate change. Photo (c) Human Rights Commission
On the 12th of March 2015, Pascual addressed Presidents, Prime Ministers and other heads of state of 70+ countries worldwide at the 4th Global Baku Forum in Baku, Azerbaijan as a panelist to the "Climate Change and its Geopolitical and Economic Influence" plenary session.
Pascual discussed the relations of economic development and climate change, the youth perspective with regard to environmental issues and project TREE+PLY: a free solution to climate action trough tech-based platforms.
On the 3rd of October 2015, TREE+PLY was born. Project TREE+PLY is a multidimensional mobile application (concept) created by the College of International Relations Core Research Group (Adam Pascual, Edward Tan and Jade Delgado) with aims to provide a free platform to radicalize youth indifference towards climate change, especially in the Philippines.
The Philippines, located along the typhoon belt in the Pacific is visited by an average of 20 typhoons every year, five of which are destructive. Its geographical location and physical environment also contributes to its high-susceptibility to tsunami, sea level rise, storm surges, landslides, flood/flashflood/flooding, and drought. (Source: Asian Disaster Reduction Center)
Pascual, Delgado and Tan saw the dire need of the youth to invest and be heavily involved with environmental action. Out of the 350+ professional research proposals, TREE+PLY was one of the 6 handpicked solutions to climate change by analysts and experts at the World Bank group to present at the WBG Youth Summit 2015 Business Competition in Washington D.C., USA. Team Philippines won the "Audience Award" and bagged a 100% scholarship at the ICSB Academy - Stevens Institute of Technology and the United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA.
Today, Pascual morphs Project TREE+PLY into TREE+PLY International; an independent umbrella organization to house out-of-the-box awareness campaigns in social media platforms.
For more information, contact treeplyinternational@gmail.com

Global Voice:
- http://blogs.worldbank.org/voices/bank-tank-comes-youth-summit-2015-crowd-sourcing-solutions-climate-change
- https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/what-happens-when-youth-from-around-the-world-conv/
- https://blogs.worldbank.org/voices/six-finalists-announced-world-bank-group-s-youth-summit-2015-crowd-sourcing-solutions-climate-change